As Women We Gather

Since starting this journey, this Fire Soul experience, I have found more magic in this world than I could have ever imagined.
This magic has nothing to do with the outside world, or the magic most may consider.  This magic has come forth, from within myself.   It is something I never bargained for, I never asked God or the Universe for... consciously anyway 😉
Gathering with women has reminded my soul why we are women... why we are so powerful when we are together, inclusive, and loving toward each other!  Being with such inspiring women, seeing their feminine gentleness, and being that strong, beautiful, significant woman has reminded me that the only way I can see these other women's beauty and significance, is because it is in me too.

I have become a better human because of these gatherings with women!  It is never about competition or judgement... and if I or another woman might feel that, we are safe to express that, and we give each other the space to work through it.

I would often look at the stars at night, after a long busy day, sigh, and feel a pulling at my chest, and subtle feeling of depression and hopelessness, longing for what the stars would share, longing for perhaps a distant brightness.  My soul has been calling... for a very long time.  I have been one who is in-search-of, for as long as I can remember.  Searching for something, not really ever sure what, but I kept up the search.  As I peeled away layers, broke down various walls I had built, and became still, my soul, my Creator, whispered... "BE.  With women.  Gather with love.  Change the stigma, help women see who they are created to be.  How strong, significant, and powerful they are together.  They have forgotten, but it won't take them long to remember." Fire Soul was born, and the FIRE is spreading and warming.
        ...  Just the other night I looked up at the stars, after a very busy day, that should have probably been marked as one of the worst days of late... but when I looked up, I was not longing anymore... the pulling was gone... and sighed in peace.  I knew I had found what my soul had been asking for.  I have a foundation in myself as woman, and the support of some of the MOST loving, open, and welcoming women I have ever known.

You see it is something all our souls have been wondering about.  Why do women have to be so harsh toward each other?  Why do we feel we must distance ourselves? Why must we be cautious around each other?  ... I will tell you why --- it is an old ancient way of being.  It was a survival instinct, and possibly needed for life saving purposes, but it was born from fear.  It is still ingrained in our DNA, has been from thousands of years, fighting for status, sexiness, making babies to bear an heir, winning the men, and battling other women for position.  This is something that we, even in this life time, did from a young age, anciently ingrained in our DNA.  Our Feminine Souls our longing to break that cycle, and heal that old way of being.  It is outdated, and it is time to come together and heal our women!

I tell you... Ladies, Women, it has healed and changed my life, my soul.  Women encouraging and empowering each other --- and guess what!?   It is LOCAL, right here!  My cup runneth over 🙏 what a gift to be with these women!!

(If your soul feels drawn... please be brave... choose love, join us!  You have nothing to lose 😉)



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