About Fire Soul

Fire Soul is an opportunity to bring women together, holding space, and assisting women in creating a circle & community that is their own!  This desire to gather as women is expanding, and is calling women together.  It is work within the Self, it is connection, it is creating a space for permission to be you, heal, discover new perspectives, and find strength and gentleness within you in which you never knew their depth of existence.
This is a time for YOU.  Welcome!

Fire Soul Mantra:
 I am a strong, beautiful, significant woman.  I create as a woman.  I love as a woman.  I stand as a woman.  I cultivate natural feminine gentleness and strength.

We hope you find what you are looking for here.

Find community with women.  Inspire as a woman, and be inspired by women.  Embody your feminine energy, the WILD WOMYN you bring to your world.  As women we bring balance to our community, inspiring, as muses, to bring the most exceptional out in our personal world!  It is within us women to nourish our fire to life!

PHYSICAL CIRCLES in the Salt Lake Valley of UT:

The Fire Soul 8-Week Series: This Fall 2019 is our 5th Fire Soul Series since Jan. 2018. This Fall is Sacred Womyn 8-Week Series -- this a powerful intensive eight-week experience and commitment to yourSelf.  Each Series we attune to the season of our soul, gathering in circle, creating community with the same group of women for these entire 8-weeks together.  We call in what is needed for the soul, as women.  This Fall we attune to the Maiden Archetype. There is a set cost for this series based on supply need & space rental. See the details HERE!

The Fire Soul Open Circles meet each Winter and Summer, every other Wednesday evening!
Open Circles are different than our 8-Week Series, in that they are open to a flow of women as they are able to attend.  They are donation based and supported.
We completed a phenomenal 2019 year of Open Circles creating space for a dozens of women to connect and feel welcome within themSelves and this community of womyn.  Watch for details for 2020 Open Circles to be announced in December 2019.

I am a Fire Soul Woman!

Amy McKinnon, SSW is the creator of Fire Soul.  Amy has always been passionate about bringing womyn together, and has seemed to have a gift for recognizing true potential and power that womyn have, each as individuals, and collectively.
Amy has facilitated a variety of groups and workshops for 15+ years, including bereavement groups, teen and parent groups, healing the child-self, Divine Masculine/Feminine Gender Reconciliation workshops, and relationship counseling.  She has a gift for creating a safe & welcoming space for others to be themselves, assisting in healing, grounding, and opening up to listening to the self and finding that inner trust.  Amy has been gifted with seeing participants have a changed energy about them after their experience, feeling freer, drawn to laughter more, grounded, and feeling a sense of re-connection with themselves causing natural movement in alignment with their intentions and goals.
Amy still works on balance within herself every day.  She lives encouraged by the natural drive of life that brings her to heal the harmful perspectives, understanding that some of our societal ways of thinking are outdated. Amy assists in healing processes, feels compassion for this, and understands it takes time to unlearn old ways and patterns.
Amy is a mother of 3 inspiring teachers and great leaders of their day.  In partnership with her husband for 18 years, Amy loves what it feels like to be deeply in love and share in such a beautiful, unconditional experience.
Filled with gratitude for this experience, Amy welcomes you to the circle!!

Fire Soul est. 2017   -- Fire Soul is non-profit, where all moneys collected return back to the circle to continue this powerful, grounding, awaking work with Womyn.


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